About Me

Oh, hey! I'm Sofsh

[1] Pictured Above

Just a little (...medium sized? Okay, fine, pretty large) bat that you must refer to *^~*however you want*~^*. And be honest with yourself about what *^~*however you want*~^* is, using stuff like neopronouns can be fun! *wink*

(Aroace and genderfluid, if you wanna know more specifically! No need to circle around it, self!)

I'm both a computer programmer

[2] Source: I somehow got these popups working on a static website.

and a hobby artist/writer, with a ton of OCs and way too many stories I want to tell.

(Maybe too many... But its fun, and having too many things I want to do is a good problem)

I want to use this space for hosting some stories, and I've got one up now!

(Look at it! I put a lot of effort into it! It's great! Probably better than [insert popular media that you don't like]!)

I've probably obnoxiously linked this site telling people to look at it now, but thanks for stopping to read this "About" section!

(Obnoxious is too harsh, self! You probably posted it Once in each space you're in! That's not obnoxious!)

If you want to see what I'm like when I Post, there's my cohost, which is the only social media I actually use right now.

(I post good art there! I've done art for more than a year, I can say it's at least good now. And talk about my drawings and characters in depth, which is something I always enjoy when other artists do, and maybe you do too. I might not post art as often as others because I'll soon be/am currently busy with school, but its still good and worthwile! I'm sure you know other people who can fill the gaps between my posts.)

...I guess I can explain the different colored text too. It's, not really anything though, really, and maybe its embarassing...?

(Don't be dumb, no it's not! I'm not always the "best at speaking" as you might say, because I'm bad at knowing what to say! But people always say "fake it 'til you make it" so this is a bit like that.)

But I'm not actually sure what I'm supposed to be "faking?" Like, I know people saying that want you to speak your mind, but I don't know what my mind is always, so I'm sort of... faking myself? It's easier to imagine what some exaggerated version of me would say than what I'd say, and it's not like I can only exaggerate myself in one way.

(Oh come on, that's not the chairitable way of putting it at all! If I choose to present myself this way, its not fake even if it seems contradictory! Everyone has preferences on everything, but sometimes you don't have a preference. And I don't really have much of a preference on what "tone of voice" I use! I like speaking in these ways, but for different reasons for each. It'd maybe be annoying to lean into this as hard as I am doing it here elsewhere, but no one can stop me here. It's enrichment.)

I guess I should mention there's also different sonas associated with the text colors. This standard text color is Sofsh Battanram, which is the "main" sona that you can see on this page. This is generally me trying to be honest and accurate about everything, respecting others, that kind of thing. Subtly extremely intense though.

(While this green text is S.C.! Or "Sofsh Cockatrice" if you hate acronyms. No picture on this site yet though... Technically She/Her pronouns, but honestly won't fault you for just referring to the Battanram sona given ter general acceptance of any pronouns. Even this tone of voice finds being referred to in different ways fun. I generally use this when being excessively self-indulgent, pro-self-care, or intentionally rude if someone deserves it. This tone's a bit more prickly, so at least for this webpage I've been trapped in these parenthesis to dull my edge.)

There should probably be a third tone of voice too, but that one's mostly for "giving tutorials" so he doesn't really have a place here. That tone's sona would be "Card" or S.D. (or Sofsh Disk)? He's a he/him. He's a bit of a black sheep admittedly (Isn't he a blue and yellow sheep? Well, "sheep" but you know.) (self, you know what I mean, and don't be rude he's a sheep), he's sleepy and shy, but also the most likely to make jokes and is sort of the "professional and productive" tone of voice too. If you ever hear the voice of Sofsh (the person), Disk's probably the closest to that, while these two tones of voice are more Sofsh in text.

(That's a lot of words to basically say: I want to eventually, in the far future, make youtube tutorials for things, and Disk is the sona I associate with that desire. ...Also with my "liking computer programming" and also my appreciation for cool coats.)

Well, guess that's it. Thanks for putting up with all that weird and complicated self stuff! (By which I mean perfectly normal self stuff that I'm actively choosing to aggressively assume everyone experiences to some degree and I'm just the only person I've seen who's explicitly saying they deal with it in this way!) ...Yeah, sure. Bye!